Виконайте вправи на вживання Participle. Скористайтеся інформацією  для довідок

1. Choose the correct form of the participles used as adjectives in the following sentences.

1. The (breaking/broken) dishes lay on the floor.

2. The (trembling/trembled) children were given a blanket for warmth.

3. Compassionate friends tried to console the (crying/cried) victims of the accident.

4. The (interesting/interested) tennis match caused a great deal of excitement.

5. When James noticed the (burning/burnt) building, he notified the firing department immediately.

6. The (exciting/excited) passengers jumped into the lifeboats when notified that the ship was sinking.

7. The (smiling/smiled) Mona Lisa is on display in the Louvre in Paris.

8. The wind made such (frightening/frightened) noises that the children ran to their parents’ room.

9. The (frightening/frightened) hostage only wanted to be left alone.

10. We saw the (advancing/advanced) army from across the town.

11. Mrs Harris’s (approving/approved) smile let us know that our speeches were well done.

12. Our representative presented the (approving/approved) plan to the public.

13. The (blowing/blown) wind of the hurricane damaged the waterfront property.

2. Use the participles instead of the parts of the sentences given in bold
type, where possible.

1. Tom looked at Jesse attentively and tried to measure the resemblance to his brother-in-law as he remembered him.

2. The Gadfly was taken prisoner in the war, when he was fighting for the Argentine Republic. 

3. As I knew her to be ill, I was not surprised when I saw how pale and thin she looked. 

4. It is an autobiographical book which was completed by the author in the 1940. 

5. The boy decided to buy the book with the money which he had saved for the purpose.

6. He was grateful to the owner of the filling station who had offered him the job. 

7. As he had not been invited to the party, she had to stay at home. 

8. The girl who was brought by Rosemary to her beautiful house burst into tears. 

 9. The leaflets which exposed the true nature of the war, were posted all over the city. 

10. When Mr. Gorin had got the appointment at New York University he felt that he was the happiest man in the world. 

11. As I had seen the photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there. 

12. When she entered the room suddenly she found the boys smoking. 

13. The speaker refused to continue as he was infuriated by the interruptions. 

14. People who were sleeping in the next room were awakened by the sound of breaking glass. 

15. Slates that were sipped off by the gale fell on people who were passing below.

3. Replace the phrase underlined with the structure have something

1. I didn’t recognize Sheila. The hairdresser dyed her hair.

2. I’ve been getting a lot of annoying calls, so the telephone company is going to change my number.

3. Gabrielle broke her leg six weeks ago but she’s much better now. In fact the doctor should be taking the plaster off tomorrow.

4. Since Rowland made a lot of money, he’s not content with his little cottage, so an architect’s designed him a fine new house.

5. This room gets too hot when the sun shines so I’m getting someone to fit the blinds on the windows.

6. I heard that Mrs Green didn’t trust her husband so she hired a detective to follow him!

7. We don’t really know what Shakespeare looked like. I wish he had asked someone to paint his portrait before he died.

8. My sister had always been self-conscious about her nose so she decided to go to a clinic for an operation which will straighten it.

4. Join each of the following pairs of sentences, using either present participle, a past participle or a perfect participle.

1. The criminal removed all traces of his crime. He left the building.

2. He thought he must have made a mistake somewhere. He went through his calculation again.

3. He stole the silver. He looked for a place to hide it.

4. We were soaked to the skin. We eventually reached the station.

5. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t like to go any further without a light.

6. I didn’t like to sit down. I knew there were ants in the grass.

7. She wore extremely fashionable clothes. She was surrounded by photographers. She swept up to the microphone.

8. We barricaded the windows. We assembled in the hall.

9. The speaker refused to continue. He was infuriated by interruptions.